Medical care: campus ambulatory and public hospitals (UPAs)
The servers and students of UFSCar, campus São Carlos, can count on outpatient nursing service, medical, psychological and dental care (in the clinical case, both by appointment), such services occur at DeAS.
On the campuses of Araras and Sorocaba there is the nursing, medical and psychology service and on the Lagoa do Sino campus the nursing service.
In the case of urgency and impaired mobility, SAMU should be called in Araras and São Carlos by calling 192 or Fire Department by calling 193.
In Sorocaba, call PREMED. Phones: (15) 3202-4576 and (15) 2101-0060.
For more information access:
Emergency Care Units (UPAs) 24 hours
Free assistance offered by the city, for urgencies and emergencies (life-threatening situations) through consultations, sutures, medication administration, inhalations and dressings. Address of 24-hour Emergency Service units
São Carlos
- UPA da Vila Prado - Phone:(16) 3371-2100 - Avenida Grécia n.º 229, Vila Prado
- UPA do Cidade Aracy - Phone:(16) 3375-1645 - Rua Reinaldo Pizzani, 357 - Aracy 2 CEP 13573-228
- UPA da Santa Felícia - Phone: (16) 3374-1865 RUA JOÃO NAVARRO SIQUEROLLI, S/N
- UPA Elisa Sbrissa Franchozza - Phone: (19) 35435100 Av. Irineu Carrocci, 400 – José Ometto II
- UPA do Éden - Phone:(15) 3333-2150 R. Miguel José Gimenez, 75, Éden
- UPH Zona Leste - Phone:(15) 3333-0100 R. Cel. Nogueira Padilha, 2585 - Vila Hortência
- UPH Zona Oeste - Phone: (15) 3229-0410 Av. Gen. Carneiro, 1670 - Cerrado
- UPH Zona Norte - Phone: (15) 3219-3190 Av. Itavuvu, 19 - Vila Olimpia